Expecting------Remove formaldehyde purification spray.

In addition to the test report of the product itself, customers used our products in addition to formaldehyde after also made a third party report: using surge remove formaldehyde products, decorate the formaldehyde in indoor air, benzene, toluene, xylene, TVOC content conform to the national standards of the civil construction engineering indoor environmental pollution control standard GB 50325-2020, fully through.



除了产品本身的检测报告,客户使用过我们的除甲醛产品后也做了第三方报告:使用明涌祛甲醛产品后,装修后室内空气中的甲醛、苯、甲苯、二甲苯、TVOC 的含量符合国家标准《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制标准》GB 50325-2020 的情况,全面通过